Observations and Stories

The Look, A Muse

An Abstract

“She turned to look in my direction, her gaze slightly shifted as to not appear totally interested but instead passively amused. I felt that she knew what I was thinking as her slight blush aroused a feeling of shame for me being there, of me not being good enough to occupy the same plane of existence. It was ever since I arrived in the same town that I knew in some way that she was light years beyond my thoughts of her, she knew my dreams. I was hiding the truth all along, the truth that her and I were never to be. My ignorance was rapturous. I felt as if floating on the shore of love was the truth I was seeking. Not feeling my feet hitting the floor beneath me was as if the soles on my shoes bounced and my heart jumped for every fleeting moment I imagined her in my moments of hopeful future, of her sharing the same experience. I yearned for her eyes seeing what I saw, but more importantly I wanted to extinguish the world through hers. The ignorance to myself was damning, I held on for my sanity, if only to breathe underneath the water of my drowning time.”